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Probest Outer Training

Views: 34     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-05-14      Origin: Site

Fuzhou Probest is a company alwyas focus on family members training, not only many inner trainings, but aslo outer trainings. In order to have better understanding applications of our water sensor factory water analysis meter, our Products Deparment has organized an outing training for some of R&D colleagues.  in wastewater treatment company.   

20190815 Outer Training

To provide better qaulified water sensors to the world, to protect the world environment together!

Fuzhou Probest  company brief introuction, the video is only taken Apr. 21, 2020. All of us are  with masks. But everything is in order. We are manufacturing water sensors,  do probe, turbidity meter, DO meter, UVCOD analyzer ect.:  


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