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China Wholesale Water Online RS485 Optical Chlorophyll Monitor Probe Sensor Water Quality Monitoring

Measurement Principle
The principle of PCH-800 Chlorophyll Sensor is using the characteristics of chlorophyll.
  • PCH-800A


  • 90268090

PCH-800 Chlorophyll Online Analyzer

Predict algae blooms and determine the nutrient loading in water with the PROBEST CH-800A  Chlorophyll Sensor.


The PROBEST CH-800A Chlorophyll Probe expands PROBEST suite of sensors for multi-parameter MUC200, water quality monitoring applications. The probe is designed to estimate phytoplankton concentrations by detecting the fluorescence from chlorophyll in situ. The data can be useful in predicting detrimental algae blooms and, indirectly, in determining nutrient loading in environmental applications. The probe is capable of long-term water quality onsite monitoring.

The PROBEST  CH-800A Chlorophyll Probe uses technology similar to that used by fluorometers, but the PROBEST sensor is much smaller, making it compatible with the probe ports in PROBEST 7-Series instruments, MUC200 which max is 7sensors, with simultaneous measurement of 7 optical probes (dissolved oxygen, turbidity, chlorophyll, blue-green algae, and/or rhodamine, COD, Ammonia, Conductivity, ph), along with other parameters.

Features include:

Fast, convenient, in-situ monitoring

For online long-term measurement

Small field-replaceable probe design

Chlorophyll is in various forms is bound within the living cells of algae, phytoplankton, and other plant matter found in water. Chlorophyll is a key component in the process of photosynthesis, the critical process in which energy from sunlight is used to produce life-sustaining oxygen. The amount of chlorophyll in a water sample is used as a measure of suspended phytoplankton, the magnitude of which can significantly affect the overall quality of water. Before this PROBEST sensor made in situ measurement convenient, the common way to measure chlorophyll was to collect samples and use extractive analysis in a laboratory or take large equipment to the field. Extractive analysis methods, though highly accurate, are time-consuming and require an experienced analyst. The PROBEST optical, fluorescence probe is quick and efficient to use and enables spot sampling in remote areas as well as continuous or interval monitoring.

n  Measurement Principle

The principle of PCH-800 Chlorophyll Sensor is using the characteristics of chlorophyll A who has absorption peaks and emission peaks in the spectrum.

n  Features

u  Based on the Fluorescent measuring target parameter of pigment,can be identified before affected by potential water bloom.

u  Without extraction or other treatment, rapid detection to avoid the impact of long shelving the water sample.

u  Digital sensor,high anti-jamming capacity and far transmission distance.

u  Standard digital signal output,can achieve integration and networking with other equipment without controller.

u  Plug-and-play sensors,quick and easy installation.

n  Applications

u  Chlorophyll online monitoring of water plant inlet,drinking water source and aquaculture and etc.

u  Chlorophyll online monitoring of different water bodies,such as surface water,landscape water and seawater and etc.


n  Technical Specifications

Measurement range

0-500 ug/L

Measurement   Accuracy

±5% of the signal   level corresponding value of 1ppb

Rhodamine   WT Dye

Pressure range



Deviation value   calibration,slope Calibration


Suggest a multipoint monitoring for the distribution of

Blue-Green Algaein water is very uneven.Water turbidity

is below 50NTU.

Main   material

Body:SUS316L(fresh   water),Titanium alloy(marine);


Power supply

AC:85-500VAC (50/60HZ)    DC:9~36VDC


3-way 4-20mA


Three-way relays, programmed response parameter

and response value.

Communication protocol


Storage temperature


Measuring   temperature

0- 45Non-freezing


SensorDia37mm*L 220mm




Protective rate

SensorIP68/NEMA6PTransmitterIP65/ NEMA4X

Cable   length

Standard:10m,the   maximum may be extended to 100m
